inspired adjective
- of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Women to Drive!

While I've been trying to bike or walk as much as I can instead of hopping in the car, I have a confession: I love driving. I really do. I enjoy contemplative drives at night, long road trips, loud music, and the fresh rapid air from having the windows down. Save being stuck in traffic, when I need to drive somewhere I really do enjoy being in the car. I remember how nervous I was to take my driver's test (I chatted the poor man's ear off the whole test) and how excited I was to get my first car (even though the speakers were totally blown out in the backseat making that loud music part a little difficult). Driving to me has always been a source of relaxation and freedom.

However, as much as I love it, I have never thought of driving as a right. Until now.

This Friday, women in Saudi Arabia will be risking arrest by joining in a national protest for the right to drive a car in the only country that actually bans women from being able to do so. For them, it is more than road trips to unknown places. The ability to drive a car is completely necessary to achieve economic freedom through the ability to get to work and/or school and contribute to society (not to mention the seemingly simple freedom of being able to go where you want to go).

The UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women noted in 2009, Saudi Arabia currently “severely limits women’s autonomy, freedom of movement and the exercise of their legal capacity” as well as “decision-making in family matters, education and employment.” This is a significant and necessary step for women in Saudi Arabia to claim the rights that they deserve.

Lend your voice to support these inspiring women:
Sign the Petition to Support Saudi Women's Right to Drive here.
Watch this video of Manal al Sharif behind the wheel (she was then arrested & held for five days)
Read more via this New York Times article.
Check out the Facebook page and follow @Women2Drive on Twitter

via Ms. Magazine


A Crimson Kiss said...

I loved this post! You had me so excited to drive (I don't think I've been behind the wheel of my own car in...years? Yikes!) and then you got my so passionate about supporting Saudi women! Thank you! said...

What a great post!!! That is such a wonderful cause. I love to drive with my windows down and music up - it really can be relaxing when you're not in traffic!
Star Hughes Living

The Everything List said...

done and done!

Mandy said...

thanks for sharing this.

thegirlhassparke said...

Thanks for bringing my attention to this, its amazing the little things we take for granted.

Kayla Poole said...

I had no idea. Wow.

I miss driving. Tiho does most of it when we're in NJ, and in NYC--well, you know we don't really drive there.