inspired adjective
- of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fed Up Challenge

A few years ago there was an article in the New York Times entitled "Is Sugar Toxic?" It was the first I had read of sugar's significant contribution not only to obesity and diabetes but other chronic conditions including heart disease and cancer. I later read Sugar Blues by William Duffy and was shocked to discover the extent to which sugar is poisonous to our bodies. It was alarming to me how much factual and historical evidence of the danger of sugar exists and yet how little is done to diminish its presence in practically everything marketed and sold to us on a daily basis.

I was thrilled to learn of the new film, Fed Up, which seeks to change all of this by bringing an awareness to just how bad sugar is with a call to action to do something about it. The film includes interviews with real-food pioneers Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman--bringing a reputable team together to place a spotlight on the corporate food industry and the government's role in the obesity and diabetes epidemics in America.

The film also has sparked the Fed Up Challenge of going sugar-free for ten days. It is truly amazing to realize how prevalent added sugar can be in unexpected items once you start paying attention to labels--especially as sugar can masquerade itself with 56 different names. I started the challenge today along with a few friends from work and we have agreed it already is eye-opening to realize how addictive sugar is now that we are focused on going without it!

I'm starting the mornings with smoothies to up my protein intake to help cut sugar cravings and have planned out my meals ahead of time, using Kris Carr's helpful meal plan to ensure I have healthy snacks on hand and meals from ingredients without hidden sugars. Last night I made these delicious and filling vegetable quinoa burgers from Sprouted Kitchen to have for lunch for the week. I am thankful to have this challenge to be extra intentional with what I am eating over the next ten days and am excited to be doing it alongside so many other people who have been inspired by the film. You can learn more about Fed Up and sign up for the challenge here!

Homemade veggie burgers!

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