inspired adjective
- of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse

Friday, October 14, 2011

Yoga Hike

My problem has always been that I often feel at home in two places, almost as if I have each foot in different worlds. I love the city but I love camping. I enjoy traveling and being on the move, yet I also appreciate being at home and having a little stability. While it is great to be able to fully appreciate both, I have found that it is often tough to really feel like I am getting enough of each world, as if I am constantly trying to strike a balance between the two. 

That being said, I know that now that I am back living in New York City, I need to actively seek out outlets for a nature fix. Living near the park has been great for that, and I have been trying to run through the winding trails of the oasis that is Prospect Park at every chance I get. I was also thrilled to find a Google Offer to Gear to Go, a hiking and backpacking outfitters store that offers weekend hiking trips out of the city. Their tag-line reads "Helping you journey the road less traveled." Done.

I booked the yoga hike in the Shawangunk Mountains, a ridge that extends up to the Catskills and is about an hour and a half trip by car from the city. I am not as familiar with the hiking opportunities in New York, so this was a good opportunity to make a connection with the great people at Gear to Go and pick their brains about the potential in the area. We lucked out with a gorgeous day, and the trees had just started to show evidence of Fall. Along with a group of 8 others, a yoga instructor, and two guides from Gear to Go, we hiked up the 6-mile loop and had an hour yoga session at the top before sitting down for a backcountry lunch. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the city. I had sincerely missed its energy, mix of cultures, opportunities, and events. However, it was a welcomed change to have the ability to go walking in the woods, take the time to breathe in fresh air, take off my shoes to feel the contours of a rock-face beneath my bare feet, and notice birds. Balance is good for the soul. 

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. — Wendell Berry


A Crimson Kiss said...

This sounds like the most amazing way to escape a wonderful city-I'm always glad John and I live just a stone's throw from Golden Gate Park so we can get our nature on in a hurry!

Sarah Severns said...

wishing i could have come! that sounds lovely.

Kayla Poole said...

You always inspire me. Tiho and I have been seriously talking about where we want to settle to raise a family. We would love to be in a city but we also need nature, a backyard, birds singing. I'm not sure where we'll end up but it's a fun processing exploring as we figure it out!

kimbirdy said...

i totally understand what you mean! i grew up in the country, in really small towns, and amidst the mountains. there's nothing i love more than exploring the wilderness and soaking up all of nature. but when i moved to the middle of the big city 6 years ago i knew i was home. i don't think i could ever live anywhere but smack dab in the center of a giant city, yet i still long for getaways to the middle of nowhere from time to time. you're right, it's so tricky to maintain the balance. i love the idea of a yoga hike. i know of one woman who does hiking therapy, which i think would be an amazing niche, even if it would be a purely selfish career decision. :)

Brandi said...

You're back in NYC? When can we meet!

And I so need to do a hike like this sometime soon. I think it's just what my body -- and spirit -- needs.

jaclyn @ thelateafternoon said...

a yoga hike sounds so inspiring and your photos are gorgeous!

Louise, Travel the Unbeaten Path said...

Thank you Mary. You guys do some beautiful work, I'm glad I learned about it. It's never too late to do what you love, right?


Fash Boulevard said...

sounds so incredible. great post, love. thanks for sharing. I've got a brand new outfit post. Love to hear what you think. Also don't forget to sign up for my amazing jewelry giveaway. xo